There may still be snow on the field, but Corner Brook United Soccer Club is getting ready to start its 2023 summer season at the Doug Sweetapple Soccer Field on Wellington Street on May 1.
Players in the U5, U7, U9, U11, U13, U15 and U17 age groups will start on May 1. Each group will meet twice a week until June 23 and we will be running goal keeping sessions for U9 to U17 players on Sundays.
U3 and U4 players will join in the fun on June 26. That’s when our grass fields - George (Daddy) Dawe on O’Connell Drive, the Monarch’s Complex on Atlantic Avenue and the Ambrose O’Reilly Pitch on St. Mark’s Avenue - are scheduled to open.
U3 players must have a parent or guardian on the field with them at all times.
Our U5s will then move to the grass field they were registered on and our U11 players will move to the Ambrose O’Reilly Pitch for their evening sessions.
U3 to U15 age groups will meet two evenings per week as part of our evening house league program. There is no house league for U17, and these players will participate in the senior league.
We’ll run morning sessions for players in U7 to U17 age groups. These sessions will be a combination of games and player development activities and will take place at the Doug Sweetapple Soccer Field.
Thursday mornings will be devoted to goalkeeping training for U9 to U17 players.
Players must register in the appropriate age category according to their year of birth:
U3 - 2020
U4 - 2019
U5 - 2018
U7 - 2016 and 2017
U9 - 2014 and 2015
U11 - 2012 and 2013
U13 - 2010 and 2011
U15 - 2008 and 2009
U17 - 2006 and 2007.
Players in U3, U4 and U5 should register on the field closest to their home. Parents should only register their child at one field. If the age group you are registering in is full you can either register on another field or contact CBUSC through Facebook messenger or email at to be placed on our waitlist. Players cannot be registered on one field and waitlisted on another.
Requests to switch fields will only be considered once those on the waitlist have been accommodated. Players who are waitlisted may be placed on either of our three grass fields.
Register online by clicking on the registration link on our website,, or by going directly to the RAMP registration site at
The full season cost for U5 to U17 players is $200. The rate for U3 and U4 players is $80,
The season will end on Aug. 25.